elegantly formed trefoil oinochoe with low foot-ring, ribbed body with a black glazed surface and reserved base. The lip is pinched into a typical trefoil pattern, creating three directions from which the contents could be poured. The vertical strap handle terminates in a protrusion above the rim which serves as a thumb-rest.
This type of vessel was specifically used for decanting diluted wine into drinking vessels. The lip allowed wine to be poured to the left and right without changing grip or position, thus allowing a slave or Hetaera to serve wine at a symposium where two male banqueters would recline on a single couch but in opposite directions.
Condition: Losses to the glaze, particularly around the handle where it has rested, intact and otherwise in very good condition overall with deep shiny black glaze.
Dimensions: Height: 17.8 cm (7 in)
Provenance: Private FL collection